The Christmas Tag

Wednesday 16 December 2015

I've seen this tag floating around the blogging world lately so thought I'd bring some festivity and get involved. Christmas is 9 days away and I'm so so excited I could let out a little squeal. Let's dive in.

1. Whats your favourite Christmas film? 
My faves are definitely Elf and The Grinch. I recently watched Miracle on 34th Street and loved it so that's creeping it's way in! I also quite like It's A Wonderful Life.

2. Have you ever had a white Christmas?

I only remember having one when I was a child because I thought it was amazing and played in the snow. I think if there's been one since then I've definitely chosen to ignore it because as an adult I absolutely hate snow. I don't mind looking at it from the window but I hate having to go out in it.

3. Where do you usually spend your holiday?

Usually home but the last couple of years (this year will be the 3rd) I've spent it at my boyfriends with his family. It sounds awful but I only live with my mum and she used to always go and see my auntie after we had dinner and because my auntie doesn't think me or my brothers are 'worthy' to be spoken to by her obviously I would stay down home by myself. So now I go to spend time with my boyfriend and his family 'cause I don't wanna be on my own at Christmas.

4. What is your favourite Christmas song?

Defo 'Last Christmas' by Wham! I've no idea why. I also like 'Stop The Cavalry' and again not sure why. I'm quite fond of most Christmas songs tbh they make me feel dead festive, there's not really any rubbish ones that are popular.

5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
Absolutely not. The only 'present' I have is new pj's on Christmas eve. What's the point in opening presents on Christmas Eve? Spoils the point of Christmas day really doesn't it?

6. Can you name all of Santa’s Reindeer? 

I'll give it a bash. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Rudolph, Comet, Vixen....are there any more? There's only 6 right? 

7. What holiday traditions are you looking forward to?
I don't really have any if I'm honest and that's a result of me and my mum being the only two living here so we never really bothered. The only 'tradition' is new pj's on Christmas Eve really.

8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

It's fake. I couldn't get a real tree even if I wanted one due to having kitties, it's dangerous and I would never put their health at risk so it's not worth it.

9. What is your all time favourite holiday food/sweet or treat?

It used to always be pigs in blankets for food and sweets used to be maoams (I always got them in my stocking) but I'm vegetarian now so this year will be my first Christmas as a veggie so I'll have to find a new fave. Maybe stuffing but without the sausage meat.

10. Do you like giving or receiving gifts better?

Giving but it does give me a bit of anxiety. I love buying presents for people and I love wrapping them up but I hate the fact they could hate it and be pretending to like it. I've got a constant need for approval so 'Oh thank you!' just doesn't do it and I always think people are secretly disappointed with what I've gifted them. I think I set the bar too highly for myself.

11. What is the best Christmas present you’ve ever received?

I've had so many presents that I've thought were amazing I couldn't narrow it down. I can pick a different gift for each stage of my life (Childhood, adolescence, and adulthood) that were all the best present I've ever been given so couldn't pick. My mum always got me the best stuff.

12. What would be your dream place to visit for holiday?

Definitely Disney! I'd LOVE to spend Christmas at DisneyWorld it'd just be magical.

13. Are you a pro present wrapper or fail miserably?
Probably somewhere in between. If I took the time and could be bothered I'd say pro, but I just don't have the time so I do it neatly but not too fancy. I haven't bothered with ribbon or nice gift tags this year so they look pretty plain but it'll do.

14. Most memorable holiday moment?
I don't really have one to be honest and again it's due to the fact it's only ever me and my mum so I don't have silly family things like 'remember when granddad got so drunk he....' or 'remember when uncle Tim tripped and fell in the cranberry sauce' yano what I mean?

15. What made you realise the truth about Santa?

I couldn't get to sleep and I heard my mum bringing the presents downstairs. I was 9 and my mum said I didn't even get upset I just laughed and said 'I KNEW it was you!' obvs a detective at 9 hahaha.

16. Do you make New Years resolutions and do you stick to them?

No I don't bother making them 'cause if I really wanna make a change in my life I'm gonna just do it. I'm not gonna wait until New Year to carry it out, I don't see the point.

17. What makes the holiday special for you?

Just spending time with family and friends and the fact it's about being happy and everyone wants everyone else to be happy I just think it's nice.

Wow some of those make me seem quite grumpy, I promise you I'm not and do in fact love Christmas! I'm very excited this year and feel extremely festive. I can't wait!! 

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